History of Magherafelt Baptist Church

During a Gospel Mission held in the town by evangelist W.P. Nicholson in 1924, a number of people were saved who started to meet for Bible study and prayer.  Under the guidance of the late Baptist Pastors McKillen and Burrows, these new converts became convicted of Baptist principles.  As a result, Magherafelt Baptist Church was established on 8th April 1926 in a portable hall on the Moneymore Road.

Old Buildings

The original building was a corrugated iron structure located on the Moneymore Road, Magherafelt.  The hall seated 100 people and music was provided by an organ which was operated by means of bellows pumped by the organist.  A new church building on the Ballyronan Road, seating 200 people, was opened in June 1970.  It had an open baptismal pool at the front of the church and the organist was provided with an electric organ.  This building served us well for just over 35 years but was demolished in January 2006 to make way for new improved facilities on the same site.  The original church on the Moneymore Road was renovated to become the church hall, with the corrugated iron exterior being replaced with bricks and mortar.  It continued to be used for various mid-week meetings until March 2007 when we opened our new building.

New Building

Due to the growth in the numbers attending the church, and the limitations of the various facilities (eg. the main church building and the church hall were at opposite ends of the town), the decision was taken to demolish the church building to facilitate a new church building.  Building work commenced in March 2006 and the new building was officially opened in March 2007.  Facilities include a main auditorium with seating for 200 people, sports hall, minor hall, creche facilities, improved access for the disabled, church office and a coffee bar area.

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